LCD splicing screen becomes the core help of epidemic management command center
文章來(lái)源:華云視界 發(fā)表時(shí)間:2020-03-05During the Spring Festival, the pneumonia epidemic caused by the new coronavirus has brought a huge impact on our lives; the nationwide aspirations to fight against the epidemic; the LCD splicing screen as an indoor high-definition large-screen display device, played a significant role in this epidemic Effectiveness, such as traffic control, emergency command management, personnel organization, etc .; become the brain of a smart city, a window for scientific decision-making and command, and an accelerator to improve the efficiency of operations under the epidemic and anti-epidemic wartime system. During the epidemic, big data processing, smart cities, intelligent management and control platforms, visualization platforms, and construction of remote command service platforms have become the leading centers of splicing screen application fields. Strict traffic control is implemented throughout the country, and real-time understanding of the “traffic network” vehicle flow and people flow And material flow status; departments also need to hold seminars on epidemic situations at any time; management and command of epidemic situations; liquid crystal splicing screens and online meetings at various command centers in transportation centers across the country have become key nodes for information gathering and become real-time commands The core window for discussions. How many command emergency management centers and traffic management centers across the country need to splice large screens in order to better implement the command work and ensure that the precautionary measures are carried out smoothly.